A woman gushes out "Letting your baby suck on your breast is a form of sexual act and it's child molestation"

An unidentified social media said any woman who let's her baby suck on her breast is molesting her child and should go to prison for that.

According to her,there is another form of breastfeeding and it's through bottle. She says letting the child suck on her is a sexual act and thus,breastfeeding is rape. Not because feeding your child is a rape but because there are other ways to feed your baby even with breast milk it's called a bottle and yes I do have a children and I have a 6months old whom drinks breast milk but from a bottle not sucking his mother nipples is child molestation period you are making your child perform a sexual act on you that's nasty and who do it are child molesters and need to be put in prison for molesting your children .

In other news, the lady seen in photos below has been trending on social media for a while now it's for obvious reasons.Now, are we to say young mother are raping her child by allowing the toldder suck from her bosoms?
