$451 Million Lottery Winner Paid Straight Cash for First Car

The 20-year-old Florida man who just won the $451 Million jackpot from Mega Millions is no stranger to spending fat stacks, because the dude already plunked down cash when he bought his first car.

When Shane Missler purchased his 2004 Subaru Outback L.L. Bean Limited Edition in 2016 he told all his friends how proud he was to pay for it in cash.

Sure, it was a 12-year-old vehicle, but Missler who just retired from his job as a background screener stressed that “#HardWorkPaysOff.”

Just last year Missler needed an overhaul on his whip, and added a brand new exhaust and catalytic converter.

Now that the lucky winner will be receiving his lump payment of $281.2 million he’ll have his run at anything with four-wheels and also most things with wings.

Whatever he’s going to spend his millions on, Missler sounds like he is going to make responsible decisions after telling lottery officials “I’m only 20, but I hope to use it to pursue a variety of passions, help my family and do some good for humanity.”
