''We can't produce nude films in nollywood'' producer humjo admit

 Nollywood producer director, Humphrey Ojonugwa Ottuh, popularly known as Humjo has declared that Nigerian cultural values will not allow its producers to make nude films, just as he promised TV viewers and movie goers exciting times.

He was speaking on his forthcoming TV series titled ‘Tuki’ and the movie, ‘A night with my son.’

Humjo said stardom and cultural values are intertwined, hence upcoming acts craving to be celebrities at all cost, must respect the values and norms of our culture.

He blasted actresses who are willing to act nude roles. According to him, extreme intimate love roles and nudity are not part of our culture hence Nigerians waiting to see a nude film from Nollywood will have to wait for a long time to come.

“We are a well cultured nation and there are things we don’t do with our body publicly,” said the Kogi State born producer director.

Speaking on his works due to release, Humjo said, “We had very talented actors and brilliant crew on both projects. Viewers should look forward to exciting times with these jobs.”

On how he feels on set, Humjo who came into the industry as an actor but got attracted into the production area by veteran actor cum producer, Ernest. Obi, said, “I’m always happy when executing my job. This is the only job that put food on my table.”

He however said he gets more fulfilment from directing, directing gives me more joy and satisfaction,” he added.

“Somebody has to be behind the camera, if l’m not there, someone else will be there. I find myself there and l’m happy with what l’m doing.”

On how he secures funding for his projects which is a big problem in the movie industry in Nigeria, he explained that sometimes he works with executive producers, who fund their movies. “Some come with their own producers while l direct. Independent producers also come in. Sometimes l do finance movies myself.”

Humjo also called on the regulatory agencies to impose sanctions on the number of foreign films that can be shown on local TV stations as was done in the music industry years back, where it was made mandatory for radio and TV stations to play 70% of Nigerian music.

 He said the move brought a huge turn around and boosted the music industry in all fronts.

“If same can apply to our movies, it will boost sales and viewership,” he said.


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