Snake hitch hikes on a man’s car

An Australian man received the fright of his life when he discovered a deadly snake slithering along his car’s windshield while he was driving, local media reported Thursday.

Ted Ogier was driving along the New South Wales South Coast when the red-bellied black snake emerged from his car’s bonnet, according to local broadcaster ABC.

The snake estimated to be between 2 and 2.5 metres in length then wrapped itself around the driver’s side mirror while Ogier continued to drive...He called co-worker Kai Pearse to come help.

“I just had a broom in the back of the ute and basically just got him off the car nice and safely, and just ushered him into the bushland off on the side of the road,” Pearse told the ABC.

Ogier’s unnamed employer at Nolan’s Auto Parts & Industrial Supplies posted photos from the incident on Facebook, commenting: “I would have jumped out the passenger side and left the car in the middle of the road.”

Ogier told the ABC he believed the reptile had crawled into the bonnet overnight looking for warmth
